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Ongoing Boat Maintenance & Improvement

All boats require a lot of work, and when you buy a previously-owned boat, even one in as good condition as Cinq a Sept, it’s even more work. Making her our own, just keeping her in excellent condition, and where possible, updating her and bringing her up to an even better condition, take a lot of work.  So it’s not surprising that we’ve been working almost non-stop on the boat getting her ready to leave the USA, go offshore on lengthy passages, and become our home. In fact, we have so many different tasks on our to-do list that we created a spreadsheet just to keep our projects organized.

Here are a few of our boat maintenance and service projects that we have assigned to the professionals.

  • Hinckley Yachts in Stuart, Florida replaced our cutlass bearings and rebalanced our propeller shafts. They also applied several fresh coats of premium anti-fouling paint, prop-seal, and shaft savers.
  • North Sails cleaned, repaired and restitched our screecher, genoa and spinnaker sails.
  • A custom canvas shop in NY restitched all the canvas on the boat, and re-sewed our trampolines with very-expensive-but-I’m-worth-it, UV-protective Gore Tenara threa
  • Another specialty shop recovered all the cushions on the boat with new ultra-leather and replaced the isinglass on some of the panels in our cockpit enclosure with a thicker, more scratch and UV resistant product called makrolon that is also less prone to yellowing.
  • Authorized technicians serviced and tuned up our engines and generator, going beyond the regular preventive maintenance tasks that Rand and I are doing.
    BeforeDSC04190_1024DSC04725_1024 After
    Hinckley Yachts in Stuart, FL under Chuck Ruble‘s experienced direction gave us new antifouling paint on our hull, a new name on our transom, and excellent propeller, shaft & cutlass bearing work.
    Steve from Superior Diesel in Charleston was very good at Volvo service


old cushion, ultra-leather falling apart

out with the yellow, cracked isinglass, trampolines and boat cushions (the old ultraleather was literally in shreds when we boat the boat), and in with the new – done by Elite Fabrications in Huntington NY


reupholstered with new ultraleather

Photos of the Recovered Cushions at Elite Fabrications


new cushions at Elite’s workroom


our new inside navigation station seat


part of the settee

Greg Fitzmaurice at Custom Marine Canvas in Oyster Bay, NY resewed all our canvas with Gore Tenara thread that will stand up to UV rays

1 Comment on Ongoing Boat Maintenance & Improvement

  1. Paul and Maureen // September 25, 2014 at 1:13 am // Reply

    Hi guys:
    Lookin good !
    Will I see you at Annapolis ?
    Paul (for Maureen)
    Indigo hull #21

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