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Spa Golden Glow – Rand’s Weight Loss

July 15, 2015 // 0 Comments

Some people go to boot camp, some to fancy spas. In the months we’ve lived on Golden Glow, we’ve discovered to our unexpected delight that our new boat-lifestyle is achieving some modest results of the most luxurious and expensive of spas: weight loss, muscle definition, limbering up, [read more]

10,000 miles and One Year on Golden Glow

July 2, 2015 // 0 Comments

Golden Glow passed the 10,000 mile mark today as we sailed the north end of Sardegna, Italy.  Fittingly, from our anchorage in this gorgeous bay in the Maddalenas between Sardinia and Corsica, we enjoyed sunrise coming up on one side of the bay and simultaneously, a full moon setting on the other [read more]

Inca Bridge, Machu Picchu, a Dramatic Hike

June 18, 2015 // 0 Comments

Here we are at the end of the path, literally and figuratively, at Machu Picchu, the last adventure part of our Peruvian trip. There is a narrow path over a 2,000 foot drop that goes along the rock face of a wall to the Inca Bridge.   This is the place where the inhabitants of Machu Picchu fled [read more]

Machu Picchu and Conflict in the Amazon

June 18, 2015 // 0 Comments

We spent about ten days in Peru in June to enjoy a precious week of family time together before the kids all dispersed to their jobs, sports challenges and schools.  Zack, Robby & Tim in front of Machu Picchu We couldn’t have picked a more  beautiful setting and our intention  was to [read more]

Incan Stonework – so Impressive!

June 14, 2015 // 0 Comments

Don’t these stones look like the fake stone at Disneyworld? Well, they are real, and were built by the Incas, entirely by hand-labor, thousands of years ago. The Incas built as well, or better than, other illustrious civilizations like the ancient Egyptians or the Mayans.  The Incas used all [read more]

High Mountain Town of Weavers on Inca Trail Peru

June 14, 2015 // 0 Comments

Today, we went high into the mountains to a very small town that subsists by the men being porters on the Inca Trail and the women weaving and taking care of the families. The entire village seemed to come out to greet us and we had the great fortune to be able to visit with one family who was [read more]

Shaman Lucas in Cusco Peru

June 11, 2015 // 0 Comments

This morning, we had our trip blessed by a famous Peruvian Shaman named Lucas. Lucas made a package of many different symbolic substances that we will bury in Mother Earth in a ceremony tomorrow.  Rand and I heard that Lucas was especially well known for his coca leaf readings, and that people [read more]

Inca Crop Circles Peru

June 11, 2015 // 0 Comments

The Incas were brilliant farmers.  Despite the high altitude and harsh conditions, they managed to grow enough crops to feed a population of over 17 million. The Moray crop circles shown here were an experiment in farming. By using these circles going deep into the earth, at the various levels [read more]
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