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Articles by Ellen


November 13, 2014 // 0 Comments

Robby Paddleboarding, Rand looking at a Charleston Sunset, Sunset over Hatteras, Antares 44i, Sunset on Long Island Sound, New England’s Big Surf, Cayman Beach, the deck of Golden Glow in Panorama, Wave-Piercing Bows, Sunset at Low Tide, The Pier, Manhasset Bay, Caribbean Sunset, [read more]

Culebra – From Off- to On- the Beaten Path?

November 13, 2014 // 0 Comments

Culebra, in the Spanish Virgin Islands just east of Puerto Rico, is our intended destination once we set sail from the USA in December. The Spanish Virgin Islands are one of the places in the Caribbean where we hoped to spend some time exploring. We’ve been to the better-known British and [read more]

Tune in on Veteran’s Day

November 11, 2014 // 0 Comments

Thanks to our veterans, who put their lives at risk to keep us all free! You are all heroes. As you know, I’m not retired like some cruisers. I love my work, which is intellectual property protection, management and promotion. The most fun and creative part of what I do is taking IP, [read more]

Our New Parasailor

November 11, 2014 // 0 Comments

One of our best “scores” at the Annapolis Boat Show was a very good deal on a 105 m2 “orange emotion” Parasailor from TEC that had been used as a demo in a Sail Magazine photoshoot. There are several reasons we’re so excited to have a parasailor. Because we have [read more]

Rob & Rand Stay Cool

November 7, 2014 // 0 Comments

We were sailing 30 miles off the coast of New Jersey, heading north from Norfolk, Virginia to New York City. It was August, temperatures were soaring, so we stopped the boat and took turns diving and flipping off of Golden Glow into the cleanest water in New [read more]

Cornell 100 Cruising Guides for All Sailing Destinations

November 1, 2014 // 0 Comments

100 Cruising Guides for All Sailing Destinations By Cornell Sailing From World Voyage Planner, by Jimmy Cornell On this page: Eastern North Atlantic and Baltic Sea Cruising Guides Western North Atlantic and Caribbean Cruising Guides South Atlantic and Southern Ocean Cruising Guides North Pacific [read more]

Alternative Power Generation – Pedal Pushing?

October 31, 2014 // 0 Comments

I’ve seen – and even tried out – power-generating bikes. In February, I noticed them at the airport in Paris where they were being used to charge cellphones. The next week, at the TED conference in Vancouver, I got to make a smoothie in a blender attached to a power-producing bike [read more]

Our Detour on the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW)

October 30, 2014 // 0 Comments

It’s well known among cruisers that the greatest risk to sailors is a schedule. However, we found ourselves up against the dreaded calendar when it came time to depart Annapolis and bring the boat to Charleston where we would be leaving it for a month while we took care of various matters on [read more]

A Wedding Weekend Away

October 23, 2014 // 1 Comment

What better reason is there to leave the boat than a wedding! In this case, we left Golden Glow in Annapolis for the long weekend and went to Philadelphia  to celebrate the wedding of my firstborn, Zachary Stiefler, and his beautiful and brillant bride Jessica Wirth Stiefler. The Professional [read more]
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