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Articles by Ellen

Time to Catch Up with Friends in Annapolis

October 17, 2014 // 0 Comments

Traveling the world at roughly 5-9 knots is a great way to force ourselves to slow down. We (okay, me) still have a tendency to focus on destinations and “getting there.” Which is one reason Annapolis was such a treat, especially since we got to spend several weeks there, and because we [read more]

A boat Becomes a home

October 6, 2014 // 0 Comments

Monday morning…set up for work with computer, coffee, and a beautiful orchid that was our first boat-warming gift – thanks Sandy and Bill (and for the Yacht Club dinner last night) [read more]

An Annapolis Institution – and I don’t mean the Naval Academy

October 5, 2014 // 0 Comments

Chick & Ruth’s Delly was a stone’s throw from Golden Glow, just up Main Street from the City Dock. We knew it must be good when we walked by because there were lines out the door, people waiting all around the sidewalk to be called in, and it was bustlingly busy inside Ted Levitt [read more]

Bound for Boat Show

October 4, 2014 // 0 Comments

Bound for the SailBoat Show in Annapolis, MD, we left New England and sailed south from NY along the Atlantic Coast. We stopped for one night in historic Cape May, NJ where we filled up on Lobster Rolls, local fudge and local beer as well as an eyeful of Victorian architecture. After a night in [read more]

Time to Head South for the WInter

October 1, 2014 // 0 Comments

before we can push off, there are a lot of boxes to unpack of items we needed for provisioning and upgrading the boat It’s dawn in New York. Time to get under way again. It’s time to sail south for the winter. The weather has changed in New York. Nights are getting chilly, and [read more]

Ongoing Boat Maintenance & Improvement

September 25, 2014 // 1 Comment

All boats require a lot of work, and when you buy a previously-owned boat, even one in as good condition as Cinq a Sept, it’s even more work. Making her our own, just keeping her in excellent condition, and where possible, updating her and bringing her up to an even better condition, take a [read more]

Fixing Everything on the Boat, Including the Kitchen Sink

September 22, 2014 // 0 Comments

I didn’t know my own strength! I was doing a bit of laundry in a bucket in the double sink in the galley (not enough to warrant running the washing machine) and I guess I was pressing down too hard. To my surprise, the sink broke right off its mountings. Of course what we discovered after [read more]

Purifying the Boat’s Plumbing System

September 15, 2014 // 0 Comments

Ken Murray, the best security system designer on the east coast, who sold us the security system’s components, told me Rand’s install was as good as he’d ever seen Spring is in the air. If you’re like me, you feel the urge to do Spring Cleaning. Now that Golden Glow is out [read more]

Good Night, New York

September 13, 2014 // 0 Comments

We finished several weeks of hard work on the boat and regular work from the boat, and got to enjoy a last beautiful sunset overlooking New York City on our friend Dan’s tender out in Long Island Sound. and now it’s “Good Night, New York”… (Enjoy this beautiful song by [read more]

Running Plum Gut Wing-on-Wing

September 5, 2014 // 0 Comments

Running Plum Gut Wing-on-Wing from sv Golden Glow on Vimeo. We sailed through the turbulent waters of Plum Gut (between Long Island [read more]
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