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New Zealand

Auraki – Mt. Cook, New Zealand

September 21, 2016 // 0 Comments

Auraki – Mt Cook is the highest peak in New Zealand, rising 3,724 meters – or 12,316 feet above sea level. There is a long road that rises gradually into the foothills of the mountain. There are high mountain lakes in the area, including one that gives a beautiful reflection of this [read more]

Milford Sound, New Zealand

September 15, 2016 // 0 Comments

Milford Sound in Fjordland along the lower west coast of the South Island of New Zealand is one of the wettest places on the planet. As we drove there from Queenstown, we watched the sky cloud up and by our arrival, the blue sky was visible only in patches. Undeterred, we got aboard a small boat [read more]

Franz Josef Glacier, West Coast, New Zealand, South Island

September 14, 2016 // 0 Comments

Ellen hiking up toward glacier After leaving Hamner Spring, we drove across the South Island via Lewis Pass to Greymouth on the West Coast, then drove south along the coastline toward the two glaciers: Franz Josef and Fox. Here we are walking inland up toward the Franz Joseph Glacier. [read more]

Picton to Blenheim, Kaikoura then to Hamner Springs

September 13, 2016 // 0 Comments

After a three hour ferry ride from Wellington, watching Rugby with local fans, we spent the night in Picton. The next day, we drove across the top of the South Island to Havelock taking in the overcast but pretty views of the strait between the North and South Islands.From Havelstock, we took the [read more]

New Zealand Sheep and baby lambs

September 12, 2016 // 0 Comments

Traveling from the north end of New Zealand to the south in the spring, we observed the difference in climate through the sheep. In the north, where it was warmer, the mothers had already given birth to their lambs and the mothers had been shorn of their winter wool coats. Just a few weeks later, [read more]