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Sailing Back Across the Atlantic

December 27, 2021 // 4 Comments

Time to Leave the Mediterranean After sailing across the Atlantic to the Mediterranean in 2015 and spending two seasons there, it was time to head back so we could fulfill the dream of sailing the South Pacific before grandchildren come along. During our time in the Med our travels took us to [read more]

The Straits of Messina

June 3, 2016 // 0 Comments

Turbulent water of the Strait of Messina How could the Strait of Messina not hold allure? Whirlpools and maelstroms; mythic sea monsters; earthquakes and epic sea currents! To get to Greece and Turkey from Italy where we’d been sailing for the last month, your either transit the Strait of [read more]

Corinth Canal, Greece

May 23, 2016 // 0 Comments

The green path shows our 2015 journey east across Greece, using the Corinth Canal. The red path shows roughly how we will sail NW across Greece in 2016 once we leave Crete and make our way north up the Adriatic. This year, when we reverse course and sail back through the Mediterranean from east to [read more]

TOP TEN Mobile Sailing Apps when “Underway” – Updated 2017

September 18, 2015 // 6 Comments

2017 Update It’s been two years since we posted our favorite Top-10 Apps and with another 20,000 miles of sailing, and passages across the Atlantic, Pacific, Caribbean, Mediterraean we have come to appreciate new apps we want to share with you. So, here’s our Updated 2017 Top-10 Apps [read more]

How Best to Cross the Gulf Stream?

November 30, 2014 // 0 Comments

Navigating the Gulf Stream is a special part of charting our course for the Caribbean. Since we are leaving from Charleston, one of the questions we face is do we head straight out on a southeasterly course, which will take us across the gulf stream where it’s wide, strong, meandering, and [read more]

Cornell 100 Cruising Guides for All Sailing Destinations

November 1, 2014 // 0 Comments

100 Cruising Guides for All Sailing Destinations By Cornell Sailing From World Voyage Planner, by Jimmy Cornell On this page: Eastern North Atlantic and Baltic Sea Cruising Guides Western North Atlantic and Caribbean Cruising Guides South Atlantic and Southern Ocean Cruising Guides North Pacific [read more]