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5 Comments on Videos

  1. Marilyn Miss // January 18, 2017 at 7:41 pm // Reply

    Hi, guys!! Thanks for sharing!

    BTW, Rand, my ex-Vince Masters died today. He was 97 and a decorated pilot from WW2 plus a successful obstetrician as you know. It seems weird that he is gone! We were married in 1949!!!! Sheesh, I am old!! I will be 90 in August!

  2. Rich, Thanks for sharing our adventure. It’s nice to hear from you. Ellen & Rand

  3. Rich Aulicino // March 13, 2015 at 3:37 am // Reply

    thanks for sharing your videos! Love the boat

  4. Dear Uncle Rand: I miss you in San Diego this weekend. My mommy is letting me watch the videos on your website. I love watching these videos of your boat. Love, Adam

    • Hello Adam, How nice to see you visiting the blog. I miss seeing you as well. While you were spending time with Aunt Ellen, I was testing out our new snooba system by diving under the boat, snooba is a way to breath underwater without scuba tanks on your back. I was scraping off barnacles so they would not grow into the hull and damage the boat. It was fun diving, we have star fish and sand dollars in the sand under the boat. I hope Ellen gave you a hug for me too!!! Say hi to your brother and thanks for watching the videos. Love, Uncle Rand.

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