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Where Are We?

Where we are right now:
Where we’ve traveled on Golden Glow:






Ending 2018 in Australia. After 4 months in Fiji, we sailed west to Vanuatu where we stayed until cyclone season approached. In late October, it was time to shove off. This year, unlike 2017, we sailed west as well as south, to spend cyclone season in Australia. On the way, we spent a few weeks in New Caledonia’s spectacular Huon and Chesterfield Reefs. Then it was on to Bundaberg, whose position on the landside of the Southern end of the Great Barrier Reef gave us the chance to drop anchor in that marine reserve before tucking Golden Glow in for her southern hemisphere summer nap. We will finish 2018 in Sydney Harbor, beneath its epic firework display and then put her on the hard for a few months while we do land travel and visit family and friends.

North from New Zealand: April 14th 2018 we departed New Zealand for Fiji, with one stop in Minerva along the way. This allowed us four months in Fiji before sailing on to VanuatuApril 14th 2018 we departed New Zealand for Fiji, with one stop in Minerva along the way. This allowed us four months in Fiji before sailing on to Vanuatu

Fiji Detail of our 2018 Sailing


Christmas – New Year’s Holidays brought us together as a family and gave us time to hang out in Queenstown on the South Island of New Zealand and then do a road trip around both islands

July 2017 – December 2017 We continued sailing westward across the Pacific, from French Polynesia to the Cook Islands, Niue, Tonga and then to New Zealand where we arrived November 1st.

May – July 2017 Crossing the Pacific from Panama to the Galapagos to French Polynesia (Marquesas, Tuamotos) Next stop the Society Islands

June-November 2016 we sailed from Turkey westward, up the aegean and the adriatic, and south to the Libyan sea. In the fall we crossed the Atlantic on the southern route: Gibraltar, Morocco, Canary Islands to the southern Caribbean.

Turkey 2015-16

November 2015 – May 2016 – Turkey

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Our December 2014 Passage from Charleston to Turks & Caicos

southern Passage

Our Fall, 2014 Course Southward to Charleston

10 Comments on Where Are We?

  1. Lindy & Bill // October 23, 2017 at 5:40 pm // Reply

    Fair winds and following seas, friends! We will be tracking you and thinking of you every step of the way!

    • Thanks Lindy and Bill, we made it to New Zealand in a very spirited 5 1/2 day voyage over 1200 miles…that’s fast for us. We pushed to get here as fast as we could because a weather low was pushing toward Opua. We beat it and pulled up to the queparantine dock at Bay of Islands Marina at 0230. By 10 am, before customs and immigration and biosecurity had finished our clearance, winds up to 30 were throwing saltwater spray on to the boat from across the dock. Well, tha just adds to the layer of salt we need to power wash off once we get settled. We’re here though, tupired but safe and sound! Thanks for following our progress and sending your good thoughts our way!

  2. Happy Halloween to Golden Glow. All dressed up as sailors this year?
    Thinking of you all about three kazillion times each day as you head across. This is the stuff that makes manly men out of you Pipp boys. Have a great adventure with good winds, fishing and finding the stashed fresh food hiding place when needed.
    Keep ever so safe.
    Happy Sails with a ton o love
    Shannon & Jack

  3. Ellen and Rand,
    We wanted to thank you again for your warm hospitality in Mallorca. Sangria….mmmm! Sunset and friends…even better. It looks like you are making good progress on your journey back. We wish you safe travel.
    Again, many thanks ((HUGS))

    • Dear Pam and Eric, it was great fun to spend time with you. We’re glad you are tracking us so you can let us know when our paths may intersect again so we can spend more time together. You are always welcome back on Golden Glow and in our lives. Ellen & Rand

  4. Dear Aunt Ellen and Uncle Rand
    I love looking at your website and seeing all the fun places you are visiting. I had a great summer and I am enjoying my last week of vacation with my family in San Francisco. I will be starting kindergarten soon. Lots of love to you from Adam and family

    • Dearest Adam,
      How did you get to be such a big boy so fast? We still remember the day you were born when we first held you and you were so small. And now you are about to embark on one of the most fun experiences of your life: kindergarten. How thrilling!
      We look forward to seeing you on Thanksgiving and will tell you all about our adventures on Golden Glow. Right now we are in the Ionian Islands of Greece. The Greek people are very nice and friendly and these islands are pretty, clean and uncrowded.
      We will be thinking of you on your first day of school. Have a wonderful time.
      Give Eric and your mom, dad and ya-ya (the Greek word for awa) hugs and kisses from us.
      Love, Aunt Ellen & Uncle Rand

  5. So In AWE of your Adventure!!! Love you BOTH and MISS YOU!! xoxo Evva

    • Hi Evva, so pleased to hear from you. WE MISS YOU TOO! We are just starting the Grecian portion of the adventures on our way to your old stomping grounds in Mykonos. Wish our timing had us sharing laughs and vistas in these beautiful islands. Love Rand & Ellen.

  6. Agneta o Kjell Holmqvist Uppsala // June 20, 2015 at 9:19 am // Reply


    Vi ser att ni har kommit in i Medelhavet,hoppas ni har varmare och soligre än vad vi har. Igår på midsommarafton hade vi mulet halvregn och ca 15 gr. Idag lite sol. Ha en fortsatt bra resa. Vi har fått ett barnbarn via akutsnitt den 8 juni. En flicka som ska heta Juni 3.5 kg tung. Ha en fortsatt bra resa Kram från Kjell o Agneta

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