Knitting as a Sailing Pasttime

I’m a passionate knitter, and it’s something that slipped like a lost stitch by the wayside once I began working too hard.Our circumnavigation will require me to do less of my business-world work, and one thing I’m looking forward to getting back to is my needlework. It’s turning out to be an ideal past-time on passages.
One of the joys of knitting is finding great yarns when you travel. A few of my favorite yarn shops are in Maine. Over the Rainbow in Rockland, Maine, String Theory Hand Dyed Yarn in Blue Hill, and The Cashmere Goat and in Camden are all wonderful sources of unique yarns.
Little did I know that there are other knitters who sail, but then a friend pointed me to Maine WindJammers specialty knitting cruises! and then I found Craft Cruise: Cruises with a Purpose. I also found Sailing Knitter: Where the Knit Hits the Fan The Knitting Sailor
and even Navy Sailors with Hidden Knitting Talent
I won’t go so far as to take a specialty cruise to knit, but I’ll be knitting while I cruise (warm knit clothing is very useful while cruising and knitting is a great activity while you’re cruising), and I’ll hope to stay in touch with my fellow knitter-cruisers while I’m cruising.
Here’s a wonderful post by another blogger on the The Maryland Sheep and Wool Fest.
The Maryland Sheep and Wool Fest is one of those family friendly, people watching, free, farm things that seems to draw us in each year. Sheep, cotton candy, wool, yarn, and lamb kebobs… what’s not to like?
Both kids were totally mesmerized by the Angora rabbits. They are softer than you think possible and they just sit there and let you stroke them and love on them as much as you want. Their handlers hold them in their laps and spin the fur right off their bodies. Just gently pulling and spinning and pulling and spinning into impossibly soft yarn.
Click here to read more on Zach Aboard’s blog:
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