Update on Rebel Heart & Family Attempting Circumnavigation Loses Boat After Baby Gets Sick
We all know about and shared the pain of the Kaufman family whose young child got sick, their boat systems failed, and their boat was sunk recently off San Diego this spring. I don’t know the Kaufmans, but I feel empathy for what happened to them. Living aboard and sailing with children doesn’t seem necessarily more dangerous than living on land. It’s just different.
And the benefits to children of the sailing life are extraordinary: being surrounded by nature and exposed to other cultures; learning about their world – marine biology, geography, oceanography, astronomy, cultural anthropology, architecture, and the list goes on – by being in it rather than just studying it from books or videos. What parent wouldn’t want their kids to have this foundation to build their future on?
By example, here are a dozen families who are sailing very successfully with kids: http://www.womenandcruising.com/sailing-families.htm
After the loss of their boat, and their rescue, the Kaufman shared two poignant update:
Overwhelmed, Shocked, Saddened

I am overwhelmed by the incredible bravery of the four pararescuemen of the California Air National Guard’s 129th Wing, also known as the Guardian Angels: Eric, Klay, Nathan, and Miles. They jumped out of a C-130 into the tumultuous waters of the Pacific to help my daughter, and to assist us off of our damaged boat. Once climbing aboard, they made sure Lyra was stable, and continued to care for her as she improved. They cared for her, and for all of us. During the two and a half days those four men spent on our lagging vessel, they helped us manually pump our bilge every few hours. They physically held our children during the rough seas to keep them safe. They slept for three nights in a tiny, cramped cabin that poured seawater with every breaking wave. Like us, they couldn’t bathe. They shared our Spartan meals. And when the time came to leave Rebel Heart, they carried my daughters on their bodies, and got Cora, Lyra, me, and Eric to safety.

That safety came in the form of the USS Vandegrift. The Vandegrift is a Navy Frigate that was less than a day away from their home port of San Diego when they were notified of our emergency and asked to turn around to assist us. The 200+ crew of their vessel had to leave their own families, and go back to the sea for ours; we are overwhelmed with gratitude toward them. From the moment that we tumbled onto the solid deck of their ship, drenched in seawater, so full of adrenaline that we needed to vomit, and completely unable to walk on our shaking legs, the crew welcomed us. Officers gave up their quarters so we had a warm, secure place to rest. Captain Alva and Executive Officer Robbin personally made sure we were safe and comfortable in our quarters. Crewmembers made a crib for Lyra, and both of the girls loved it. They also donated children’s books, toiletries, and clothing to help us when we had very little of our own items. Time and time again, the crew asked us what they could do to help. They shared their meals with us, played children’s movies on repeat, and had endless patience as we spent time in the Officer’s Wardroom. The World’s Finest Navy does not begin to describe the professionalism, competence, and humanity of the people onboard the Vandegrift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Beyond the immediacy of bravery and kindness we have experienced over the past week, is the overwhelming feeling of support from friends, family, and complete strangers. In our time of loss, we feel buoyed by the strength of our on-water, on-land, and on-line friendships. Immediate names that come to mind are my sister, Sariah, my incredible friends Justin, Laura, Mele, Ella, Paige, Helen, Kathy, Kaye, and Charlie, who all immediately went to work to help us get home safely and try to transition into life without our boat. Rebel Heart was our home for eight years. Thank you, friends, for helping us get started in finding a new home. Another special thanks to the incredible support of Women Who Sail, Cruiser’s Forum, Babywearing San Diego, and Friends of Rebel Heart (amongst other groups!)
To the amazing people who heard about our story, and reached out with unsolicited financial help and donations of clothes and household items, THANK YOU. I don’t think anyone ever expects that they will someday lose their home and all their possessions. To know that so many people, from all the around the world, have compassion for people they have never met, is humbling, and yes, overwhelming.
It truly is shocking to watch your home slowly start sinking before your eyes. From the moment we pushed the EPIRB button, we had three days until the Vandegrift arrived and took us, and our few bags to safety. How do you decide what to take and what to leave? How do you pack in rough seas? How do you tell your three year old that you are not, indeed, going to the South Pacific, but instead are awaiting rescue, in whatever form that may come, and that they can pick two toys to go into the bags we packed, and oh yes, they need to say goodbye to their home? How do you do it?
It leaves you shell-shocked.
I lovingly sewed almost all of the canvas and interior upholstery and linens in our boat. I painstakingly worked for years to build a simple, comfortable, stream-lined vessel for my family. Eric and I got engaged while living on our boat, married while living on our boat, and had both of our beautiful children while living aboard Rebel Heart, and she is now at the bottom of the Pacific. It is a lot to process.
It will take us time to come to terms with it. To my friends and family who are awaiting a personal call or visit from me, please know I will reach out as soon as I can get my head on straight.

Many of my friends and family have also expressed anger at the mean-spirited comments that have been left on our blog by complete strangers. Please, friends, do not dismay. We will slowly delete all the comments from the internet armchair quarterbacks who know nothing about us, our life, our skills, or, I might add, sailing.
No, it is not these commenters that fall under the third adjective I have picked, it is the comments from family members who have given negative interviews to the press about me and Eric. It is one thing to ignore comments from the internet at large, it is another to watch and read the interviews given to news sites by members of my estranged, nuclear family. Then again, these are the same family members who claim that my sister and I are lying about the sexual abuse we suffered from my father, who, to this day, remains an unprosecuted, unregistered sex offender. Their words show more about the content of their character than I could ever personally express to you. Thus, while I am saddened by their commentary, I am not surprised.
Rebel Heart will be back. Just give us some time.
State of Flux

Where are we right now? In a state of flux. Our home is gone. Our stuff is gone. And while we didn’t have many possessions to begin with, the loss of it all is accute.
The loss of our boat.
The loss of our dream.
The loss of our life trajectory.
We are back in San Diego and have secured an apartment but it won’t be available until the middle of May. While we wait for our new home we bounce from friend’s home to friend’s home while we wait for our own place to be ready. People have opened their homes, their hearts, and their arms. We never expected to find ourselves in such a situation and we are deeply moved by their generosity.
Until we can settle in our own place it is hard to try to find any continuity. On reading up on dealing with a traumtic life event, I have learned that apparently it is normal to vaciliate between anger and despondancy; there are tears, fatigue, and the inability to clear one’s head. For my friends in San Diego, and anyone else who is trying to reach me, I still need time to process everything, so be patient if I haven’t responded to a text, or an email, or a message (especially if trying to reach me on Facebook, my brain just can’t handle Facebook right now).
Thank you for all the love and support.
The Kaufman family from San Diego was attempting to sail around the world on their 36′ boat, the Rebel Heart, when their one-year old little girl became violently ill. Just as this was happening, the boat lost its steering and communications ability, putting the child and the whole family at grave risk. The Coast Guard, California Air National Guard and Navy launched rescue, and after rescuing the family and their sick daughter, they allowed the family to save three bags of belongings and then they sank their boat.
The family has drawn fire for attempting to sail around the world with such young children and in a boat that was apparently sub-standard. The Kaufmans said they took every reasonable precaution with their children’s health, and the condition of their boat. But the family’s plight raises questions about whether it is safe to circumnavigate with very young children aboard on a sailboat, where things simply do break.
There are many families with young children who do successfully and safely sail: for example, meet the Windtraveler family: http://www.windtraveler.net/p/about.html
Also read http://maiaaboard.blogspot.com/ and http://www.slate.com/articles/life/family/2014/04/rebel_heart_sailboat_rescue_eric_and_charlotte_kaufman_are_part_of_my_community.html
The Kaufmans first expressed gratitude to their rescuers and then gave this response:
The large military operation launched to bring the family back to land was characterized as a “search and rescue” operation, so most likely the Kaufman family will not have to pay the cost of the rescue.
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