Time to Catch Up with Friends in Annapolis
Traveling the world at roughly 5-9 knots is a great way to force ourselves to slow down. We (okay, me) still have a tendency to focus on destinations and “getting there.” Which is one reason Annapolis was such a treat, especially since we got to spend several weeks there, and because we had some old friends we got to see who live there.

Bill, Sandy’s beautiful daughter Julie, with Rand & me in the back, and Sandy surrounded by her brother & sister-in-law in the front row
I have been friends with Sandy and Bill since 1993. We met on a particularly memorable night in Aspen, Colorado, marked by the most auspicious sign of a long-lasting friendship – losing track of time until we were the last ones in the restaurant. Suddenly, we realized the staff was cleaning tables around us, wishing for us to end our meal so they could close….so we took our conversation outside to the patio and…well, the rest is history.
One of the best gifts the Brocks gave us was introducing us to Telluride, CO where we both ended up spending a lot of time. Since we both sold our houses there, we lived on opposite sides of the country, but still visited one another now and then. A particularly memorable visit was when Sandy’s Dad, Coach, came too, and I stayed at their previous home on Revell Street in Annapolis that was on Spa Creek across from where we now have Golden Glow tied up. (Sandy is a very talented interior designer and people always want to buy each house – or boat – as she transforms them). So being able to have a few dinners and get-togethers with Sandy and Bill and their extended family while we were in Annapolis made it extra-special to spend time here.
Rand, too, has an old friend in Annapolis, a friend going back to their college days at UCSD. David happens to be a doctor in town, but his hidden talent – and passion – is music, and he has a collection of guitars and vintage musical equipment that is extraordinary.
Because he had always lived in the music space, he has pieces that were owned or made by some of the world’s great legends like Eric Clapton and Eric Johnson…I wish the other names he rattled off were ones I knew so I had remembered them. It was such a treat when he took us into his music lair and showed us what is truly the most amazing collection of vintage guitars I’ve ever seen.
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